SOLAR SIMULATOR – Make: Microtech Industries
The main objective of solar simulation technology is to produce illumination approximating natural Sun light in order to provide a controllable indoor test facility under laboratory conditions.
The instrument used to simulate sunlight in a laboratory setting is called a solar Simulator[ some times called a Sun Simulator] . A Solar Simulator has a light source that is designed to offer similar intensity and spectral composition to that of natural sunlight .
The setup consists of three parts –
- Illumination chamber : LED Panel of 200 W
- Facility for illumination control.
- Facility for fan speed control.
- Solar panel : 3 W
- Solar simulator
It measures performance of Soar panel characteristic under artificial illumination, it consists of :
- Microcontroller based Multifunction Meter, which measures :
- Solar Voltage
- Solar Current
- Solar Power
- Temperature
- Temperature probe.
- Variable Load.
The following experiments to be done :
- Solar panel characteristics
- Measurement of
- open circuit voltage Voc
- Short circuit current Isc
- Maximum Power Pmax
- Voltage at Maximum Power Vmp
- Current at Maximum Power Imp
- Measurement of
- Calculation of Solar panel Efficiency & Fill Factor (FF)
- Effect of Temperature on Solar panel