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Transistor Bias Circuit

Three basic BJT bias circuits are investigated : Base bias, Collector to base bias and Voltage divider bias. Two transistors with different hfe values [ hfe(A) and hfe(B) ] are used to demonstrate the dc current gain effect on each bias circuit. Each circuit is constructed and the dc voltage levels throughout the circuit are measured for the BJT with hfe(A) and then for the BJT with hfe(B). The results are compared with circuits .

The trainer kit contains :

    1. IC regulated power supply : +12V @ 250 mA.
    2. 2 no. Transistors : CL 100 and BC547B.
    3. Set of Resistances.
    4. Digital Voltmeter : 0 – 20 V.
    5. Digital Millammeter : 0 – 20 mA.
    6. Digital Microammeter : 0 – 200 uA
    7. Connecting wire.