Semiconductor temperature sensors are the devices which come in the form of integrated circuits i.e. ICs hence, popularly known as IC temperature sensors. The most popular Semiconductor Temperature sensor is LM35.
The trainer helps to study :
- Supply Voltage vs. Current and Voltage characteristics,
- Temperature vs. Current and Voltage characteristics.
- Temperature Measurement.
- Temperature Control [Oven Temperature Controller] Circuit of a semiconductor temperature sensor [using LM35] .
The trainer contains :
- Semiconductor Temperature Sensor : LM35 with connecting cable.
- Oven ; Temperature controlled : Ambient to 110 degree C.
- Temperature controller with Digital temperature indicator.
- Variable voltage source : 0 to 12 V @250 mA.
- Digital Microammeter : 0 – 2000 uA, 3 ½ digit display.
- Digital Dual Voltmeter : 0 – 2V & 0 – 20V, 3 ½ digit display.
- Provision for Input and output Voltage measurement using selector switch.
- Op. Amp. based ON – OFF Controller.
- Relay : 12V, 5A.
- Variable Pot 2 Nos.