Open & Closed loop control of oven temperature using P, PI and PID controller.
The system consists of a forced cooling furnace with microcontroller based PID controller and software. The PID controller interface with computer using USB or RS232 communication port. The software based control system controls the temperature of a furnace using PID method and also evaluates the values of P, I and D.
Forced cooling system applied for creation of disturbance.
The following experiments to be performed :
- Open Loop Control system
- Close loop control system including P, I and D.
- Forced cooling system on furnace temperature and PID control action.
- Evaluation technique of P, I and D using N- Z method.
The system consists of :
- Forced cooling furnace with dual K type Thermocouple.
- Thyristor drives for oven temperature control.
- Microcontroller based PID Controller and data acquisition system.
- Digital AC Ammeter and Voltmeter.
- 16×2 matrix display shows values of P, I, D and temperature.
- Software.
Additional accessories required : Computer with XP, 7 and RS232 port or USB port