The single board trainer with steel case and integral power supply helps to study the characteristics of the PT100 & Thermistor.
An RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) is a sensor whose resistance changes as its temperature changes. The resistance increases as the temperature of the sensor increases.
A thermistor is a temperature-sensing element composed of sintered semiconductor material which exhibits a large change in resistance proportional to a small change in temperature. Thermistors usually have negative temperature coefficients which means the resistance of the thermistor decreases as the temperature increases.
The setup consists of the following specifications:
- Transducer : RTD ( Pt 100 ) & Thermistor ( NTC type ) 100 Ohm.
- Oven : Temperature control bath.
- Temperature range : Ambient temperature to 110 degree centigrade.
- Temperature controller with Digital temperature indicator.
- Output : Measured by Digital Voltmeter : 0 – 20 V, 3 ½ digit Digital Display.
- Temperature indicator : 3 ½ digit Digital Display.
- IC regulated power supply : + 5 V @500 mA.
- Bridge Network.
- Amplifier circuit with two OP.AMP.