
Product Categories
Owen’s Bridge

Owen’s Bridge

The single board trainer helps to study to measure inductance of coil by Owen’s Bridge. The trainer contains : An oscillator [ 1 KHz and 2 Vpp ] with isolation transformer.Owen’s  bridge withset of capacitors,2 nos. variable Resistance.Resistance.Set of unknown...

Wien Bridge

Wien Bridge

The single board trainer helps to study the Measurement of frequency or verification using Wiens Bridge. The trainer kits contains : Sine wave Generator :Frequency range : 100 Hz to 10KHz with Two range selector switch.Output Voltage : 0 to 5 Vpp, continuous...

Desauty’s Bridge

Desauty’s Bridge

Measurement of unknown capacitor using Desauty’s Bridge. The trainer kits contain : An oscillator [ 1 KHz and 2 Vpp ] with isolation transformer.Desauty’s Bridge withset of resistors,set of capacitors,2 nos. variable Resistance.Imbalance amplifier,AC millivoltmeter as...

Maxwell Bridge

Maxwell Bridge

To measurement of self induction of a coil using Maxwell bridge. The kit contains a bridge with provision for connections of capacitors and an unknown inductor. The setup consists of : In built Oscillator  [ 1 KHz and 2 Vpp ]DC Supply [ +5V ]Maxwell Bridge containsTwo...

Kelvin Double Bridge

Kelvin Double Bridge

A Kelvin double bridge is used to measure an unknown electrical resistance below 1 Ω. Its operation is similar to the Wheatstone bridge except for the presence of additional resistors. These additional low value resistors and the internal configuration of the bridge...