Electrical Engineering Lab

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Limit Switch & it’s Application

Limit Switch & it’s Application

A limit switch is a push button switch mounted in such a position that it is activated by physical contact with some movable objects. A small DC servo motor fitted through a Runner and two Limit switches as shown in the block diagram. The direction of the Runner...

Selector Switch & it’s Application

Selector Switch & it’s Application

Selector switches are actuated with a rotary knob or lever of some sort to select one of two or more positions. Like the toggle switch, selector switches can either rest in any of their positions or contain spring-return mechanisms for momentary operation. To...

Pressure Switch & it’s Application

Pressure Switch & it’s Application

A pressure switch is a form of switch that closes an electrical contact when a certain set pressure has been reached on its input. The switch may be designed to make contact either on pressure rise or on pressure fall. The...

Float Switch & it’s Application

Float Switch & it’s Application

A float switch is a device used to detect the level of liquid within a tank. The switch may be used in a pump, an indicator, an alarm, or other devices. The system consist of PVC Tank - 250 liters - 2 nos.Float switchPumpPVC pipe etc.

Switch Demonstrator Trainer

Switch Demonstrator Trainer

The setup introduce a first hand knowledge of different types of switches. All switches mounted on the panel. The setup consists of Selector switch.Float switch.Pressure switch.Limit switch.